01 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Construction - Grouting surface inspection clean, high pressure air gun cleaning

02 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Construction - The isolation layer does check the cleaning

03 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Construction - Isolation layer to clean up the grouting area of water

04 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Construction - No shrinkage cement uses vibrating rods to remove air bubbles

05 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Construction - From the central began to perfusion without contraction

06 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Construction - Clean the sheet metal site

07 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Construction - Clean the sheet metal site

08 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Construction

09 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Construction

10 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Construction

11 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Finish

12 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Finish

13 - Sunrise wins bridge head case - LRB installation works - Finish